Македонија во слики
Andre titler: Macedonia in pictures
Genre: Documentary
År: 1923
Varighed: 00:14:23
Beskrivelse: The initiative and the funds for this project were given by the Ilinden Organization, which gathered progressive political emigrants from Macedonia. This organization wanted to pay tribute to the 20-th anniversary of the Ilinden Uprising. The film concept involved two parts, although only one of them is available now. The film was made as a visual collage of Macedonia, and also as a summary of the Macedonian liberation idea and its most important protagonists. The fighters for freedom were shown in photos, and the short information about them was written on intertitles. Afterwards, photos of their birthplaces were shown and short descriptions given. Film shots showed the towns of Pirin Macedonia (Gorna Dzumaya, Bansko, Mehomia-Razlog and Nevrokop). At the beginning of film, we can see the sequences of the Debar area. The most important part of the film are the documentary scenes filmed on August 2nd 1923, with the procession carrying the sarcophagus with the remains of Goce Delchev, from the house of Mihail Chakov, to the cathedral of "Sv. Nedela" (Holly Sunday) in Sofia, to be exposed to pilgrimage, and afterwards to be buried. Apart from the procession consisting of priests, relatives and friends of Goce Delchev, there are members of the Ilinden Organization and the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capitol of independent Macedonia. August 1923, Ilinden". The film was shown a few times, and then forbidden by Bulgarian censors.
Nøgleord: Macedonian revolutionary organisation; fighters for freedom; photos; sarcophagus of Goce Delchev / Pirin Macedonia; Gorna Dzumaya; Bansko; Mehomia-Razlog; Nevrokop; Debar; Macedonia / македонски револуционери; македонска револуционерна организација; Пиринска македонија
Udbyder: Kinoteka na Makedonija
Rettigheder: In Copyright / Kinoteka na Makedonija
Farve: Tinted / Toned / Hand coloured
Sound: Without sound